Thursday, 25 March 2010

Back into the swing of things!

After being inspired and motivated by my friend Lindsey for being so good about updating her blog I figured it was time for me to get back into the swing of things!

It has been so long since I last posted I could write a book...but to save you all from that LONG and what could be a dull read I will give you the best condensed version I have.

It is now March and I feel like the year is flying by so quickly. My Mother and Sister flew over to visit. What a much needed visit it was might I add. I was getting to the point where I was homesick, not for the place but for the people in my life. I have always been the type of person that can adapt quite easily to most situations, moving here has been no exception. We have been here now going on 2 years and I have adapted to life here rather well. Things are different but you learn to cope. I think that the hardest part is being so far from family and friends. I can't just jump in the car and drive a day or two to get home or go see friends.....I have to get in a plane and fly over the big ole ocean. ahhhh. So as you can imagine a visit from my family was just what I needed. We had such a great time. We went to all the standard touristy spots and a few that weren't. One of the places we went was to Stratford Upon Avon...which is the birthplace of Shakespeare...we did a walk through of his home - It is amazing to me how these people had like 6 + children and lived in a house that feels the size of a sardine can! We also went to Warwick Castle...which was brilliant!

View of the castle grounds from the tower.

Mom, Michaela and I also did a girls weekend away to London and the Paris! It was amazing!!! I love London anyway and was able to show them around as I have been 6 or more times now since we have lived here. But! I have to say that London has Paris beat on the Underground/Metro system...much easier in London than Paris. We got to go up to the second floor of the Eiffel Tower and it Snowed while we were doing our tour. My favorite place in Paris is the Arc de Triomphe -- the view from the top was breathtaking...and so was the 300 odd stop up a narrow spiral staircase to get to the top! Still laugh thinking about it. Here are some photos of that...

In other news... I just said goodbye to my baby and hello to my big boy about 5 weeks ago. That was the day I cut his hair. What a sad and very emotional day for this Mama! As I was cutting tears were streaming down my face, because although I knew that my little boy needed a haircut and was ready for that next step, I wasn't! The minute I finished I looked at him and proceeded to cry like a big baby because there in that moment my baby was no more...I was face to face with my big boy! Not two weeks later was his third birthday and in that two week span I saw him change more than I have in all the time I have know him. He began to come into his own. I see before me this little person who has personality, independent thought, tenderness, kindness, curiosity, strength and love. Then I think to myself that God has placed him in mine and Matthew's care to shape and mold the physical but most importantly the spiritual. I stand in awe that God would choose me to be his Mother. What a mighty responsibility! My prayer is that the Lord God would guide me in every way...that I may train him up the way that he is meant to go and that I don't fail him. Here is a before and an after! The top photo was taken in January when my Mom and Sister flew over for a visit! More about that to come.

Below: 1 March 2010

We are now homeschooling which is great! God is good gracious and is teaching me daily how to teach about lessons in patience! At the moment we are using the Montessori Method. Basically it is child lead learning and life skills at this age. Everyday, Judah says to me..."Mommy, I do my work today". So he is excited he is also asking for jobs/chores to do around the house. That just blesses my heart. He is also taking an interest in praise and worship in the house and then bible story after. It is amazing to me how much he knows and remembers about God's Word. He has memorized 2 scriptures so far and I am excited to continue planting (hiding) the Word of God in his heart.

There are so many more things I want to say but for now I will just have to leave it......I suppose this isn't such a condensed version after all....but I did have lots to update!

Love to you all!