Friday, 16 April 2010

Moving Sites

The last few day my husband and I have been working on a new blog for me. I am making a move to

I please make note of my new blog so you can follow up on what is going on with the Allen's. I will give a proper update on the new blog this weekend. Hope to see you all there.

Love ~ Allenia

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Feeling Inspired

SO I have been working on a few projects. As some may well know we have made the decision to home school...I think it is the perfect decision for us. Homeschooling isn't for everyone and I can completely understand that, it takes a lot of work and even more sacrifice on the part of the parents to do it well. We haven't started the "proper curriculum" as of yet because I feel that Judah is still too young. We will be starting after his fourth birthday. In the mean time we are working on some Montessori schooling, what that boils down to is home chores, everyday things that he will need to know to function as a young person. I said all that to say that since we will be starting Judah in his homeschooling from when he is four I wanted to get him involved with other children who are in the same or similar life situations as he. We have met a lovely family called the Brooks. Jeremy and Lydia have five gorgeous kids. Eleni, Noah, Alice, Ezra and Naomi. Judah just so happens to be smack dab in the middle of Alice and Ezra in age. Alice is four and Ezra is two. They all get along so well. I think it can be a bit overwhelming for Judah at times. Recently Lydia told me that she was having trouble finding aprons for her children to wear while helping her cook that fit properly. She showed me one that she has that is totally adjustable and in a way I have NEVER seen before. So I told her that if she would lend me hers I would sew some up for the kids. So that is one of the projects I have been working on...they have turned out really well! (I will post photos soon). I will tell about the other projects as they are closer to completion. I am so thankful to have met Lydia she is so lovely and is a great example to be on how to be a homeschooling Mom and keep your sanity! I figure if she can do it with 3 of her 5 with the younger two running around then I can surely do it with just my 1!

In other news, Matthew and I made a decision that we really haven't shared with many people. Mothers Day here is different to America...and it was about 4 weeks ago now. During that Sunday morning I really felt the Holy Spirit begin to speak to me about things that are time stealer's...and one of them being our TV! When Matthew and I got home from church I shared with him what the Holy Spirit was speaking to my heart and being the wonderful leader in our home that he is said "well then, if this is what the Holy Spirit is speaking to you, we will get rid of it". So that is exactly what we did. We took the TV out of the living room and stored it until we can sell it...and have canceled our cable service. Judah woke up to a whole new world! He asked his daddy when he got up the next morning and finally noticed that the TV was gone..."Daddy, where are my movies". Poor boy.. but I will tell you that I have seen a major difference in him.

Now that we have more free time we are listening to sermons online and reading more books. God has been revealing so much to us in the last 4 weeks. We are so very blessed. I am looking forward to posting some of the thoughts, revelations and even teaching material that has come out of this process.

Thank you Lord for the growing pains for in the end I will be beautiful....

Wednesday, 7 April 2010

Happy Birthday Sweetheart

Today the love of my life celebrated his 30th birthday. He asked me last night if I could bake a coffee cake for him to take to work....and of coarse I did! I made a two layer rum glazed coffee cake! It was delicious!

This evening we went out to Johnny Wongs in Birmingham (UK) to have a meal out with his family. It was a great time....we were there 2 1/2 hours.

I hope that his birthday was brilliant! I am so blessed to have him. God has been so good to me.

Friday, 2 April 2010

My Beloved

Have you ever heard women say that they can't wait for their husbands to "get back to work" or "get out from under their feet" or "get out of their hair"??? Well I just can't understand it. I enjoy having my husband around. He is my best friend. He is so helpful to me....He honors me and loves me. He is a fantastic Father...I love to watch him with Judah. Judah adores his father and with good reason. I can honestly say that I look forward to the days he gets to be off work for holiday's or vacation time. I am so very very very thankful that God has gifted me with such a wonderful husband, friend and father to our son. I fall in love with him more and more every day. That feeling that I got when I knew for the first time that I loved him and that he was the man I would marry....I feel it over and over.... I still get butterflies in the pit of my stomach when he looks at me. Thank you Lord for a man I can love and who loves me totally and completely. You have graciously gifted me with such a special man.