Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Strange Days

It seems that over the last few weeks life has been in a bit of a muddle. Matthew, Judah and I were all ill with some little cold type bug. A week later, at 6:47 pm on Sunday, out of no where or so it seemed Judah had a fibral convulsion, by the way for any parent to see their child convulse or is probably one of the most unsettling things in the world. I had heard of it happening to other people and you feel sympathy for them but until you see it happen you have no idea. Although the doctors tell you that it is "normal" is almost laughable. I must say that I did panic, since I had never experienced that before, however, now that I have been through it (not that it will be any easier to see) I at least know how to proceed and deal with what is going on. Then the Thursday after Judah's FC I got shouted at by some man in our church...and pretty much told off for something that I didn't even do. I was very upset and just so down in the dumps. This last Sunday was suppose to be the day when this man was to meet with me, Matthew the pastor and some of the other leadership to sort out and apolgise but that didn't happen, he came with guns loaded and backup...all ready to attack. I took it for only so long before I cried and then spoke my peace about the whole thing. I went home that evening and Matthew and I spoke about the day. I told Matthew that I felt that it was less about me and more of a breaking point of this mans anger. He has a lot of grievences agains people in the church and people who don't do things the way he thinks they need to be done, I was the easiest target as Matthew and I are new to the fellowship. In the end we believe that we will be moving on as it was made clear to the pastor and the assoc. pastor that the people in this fellowship don't really want the young/middle aged people involved or even taking leadership positions in this fellowship. We are waiting to see where we will be placed by the Lord for the next step in our journey.

On a more positive note while at this church I have made some very dear friends and look very forward to pursuing relationship with these ladies. I will be going to the BBC's Good Food Show with my friend Vanessa. I am so excited... it is this Sunday. It will be a nice break from all the drama of the last couple of weeks.

Matthew and I will be going to his mom and dads for Thanksgiving. Although it isn't celebrated here as it is an American holiday, we will be having a Thanksgiving will be on Saturday instead of on Thursday as my m-in-l will be working a 14 hr day on Thursday.

Until the next time Maxwell.....

Only By His Grace ~ Allenia


Anonymous said...

It is good to hear about your life and what God is doing. I know it seems "strange" right now, but God will use your trials to bring glory to Himself. I am so glad that little Judah is doing so well since his FC. I cannot imagine what you went through during those moments and I hope that I never find out. You, Matthew and Judah will be such an asset to wherever God sends you. I will pray about Him directing your family's steps while you pray for a new church. By the way, Anna is growing so fast. I wish you could see her. We miss you and wish your family well. With Love, Mel

The Grammarian said...

I am sorry for the recent shake-ups in your life, A. I hope the doctors that you have been working with are providing the best wisdom and care for Judah. I have a friend dealing with the same thing in her son and I know that her son relies on her to be strong and I pray that you will be able to do the same through God's grace.

As for the church member, ugh, why must there always be thorns pricking the body of Christ? It sounds like you handled the situation very well and I know that you will find a church that is more supportive.

Blessings, happy Thanksgiving from across the pond!