Friday 2 April 2010

My Beloved

Have you ever heard women say that they can't wait for their husbands to "get back to work" or "get out from under their feet" or "get out of their hair"??? Well I just can't understand it. I enjoy having my husband around. He is my best friend. He is so helpful to me....He honors me and loves me. He is a fantastic Father...I love to watch him with Judah. Judah adores his father and with good reason. I can honestly say that I look forward to the days he gets to be off work for holiday's or vacation time. I am so very very very thankful that God has gifted me with such a wonderful husband, friend and father to our son. I fall in love with him more and more every day. That feeling that I got when I knew for the first time that I loved him and that he was the man I would marry....I feel it over and over.... I still get butterflies in the pit of my stomach when he looks at me. Thank you Lord for a man I can love and who loves me totally and completely. You have graciously gifted me with such a special man.

1 comment:

Sarah Duke said...

I'm so glad you're back blogging!! I started a new job today so I'm no longer at the law office, so I need ways to stay in touch! Facebook of course, but it's not near as in-depth as blogging, lol. I hope to see you when you head over this way! Hope all is well!!